A review by karteabooks
The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce


Having just finished Harold Fry, this was the next book to pick up, that yes, has been sitting on my tbr for too long. 
This is the second instalment in a trilogy, in my opinion, you must read Harold Fry first, as you need Harold’s story to fully understand Queenie’s. 
Told through a series of letters, that Queenie’s companion (trying to go for NO Spoilers!) encouraged her to write as Queenie was unable to speak. A heartfelt story of ordinary people trying to lead their normal lives whilst faced with so many challenges. 
Just like Harold, this is full of laugh out loud and teary moments, so alongside your cup of tea / beverage of choice, I suggest that you have some tissues close by as you will more than likely need them.