A review by tracyreads
The Five by Robert R. McCammon


I really did enjoy this read. The synopsis does a great job of clueing you in on what to expect, but basically, this novel follows a band that is on their last tour (for various reasons) and manages to make a very dangerous enemy in the process.

I feel silly reviewing McCammon's writing. I mean, he is amazing. The Five is no different. The characters are engaging, the pacing is good, and there are passages that just made me sit and stare in awe at the sheer brilliance of what I just read.

For some reason, though, about halfway through, I put this book down and didn't come back to it for a month. The middle, for me, kind of hit a slog and I wasn't as drawn in as before. The ending did pick back up, with some of my favorite writing coming in during the last 10 chapters or so.

If you're looking for another McCammon to pick up, I recommend this one. I'm planning to dive into more of his next month, with Swan Song.