A review by cadiva
The Distance Between Us by L.A. Witt



This book is beyond hot, the menage scenes are amazing, but even more than the sex, this book is about emotions.

The pain and hurt, the past memories, the longing, are all tied together so tightly that you can physically feel the pull when all this threads start unravelling.

There's so much more than just the physical in this narrative. It's an out two men who'd forgotten how to communicate finding their voices again through a most unorthodox method.

Each one has moments where they're on the edge, but the only voice we clearly hear the inner thoughts of is that of Rhett. But that doesn't mean the reader is left blind at how both Ethan and Kieran feel.

The plot is skilfully woven to allow all their emotions to surface and its all carefully pulled back together with a HEA which is as much deserved as it is hard won.

This is another retro release from Lori and I loved it.

#ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.