A review by aditi_1992
Dancing the Charleston by Jacqueline Wilson


I'll go for a 3.5 because it left me wanting a lot more. I wanted to see much more of what happened in the future and how Mona goes to school.

This is the story of Mona who lives with her Aunt in a cottage. Her Aunt is a dressmaker and Mona is an orphan. They live in the cottage on the grounds of Somerset Manor, a large palatial home owned by the Somerset family. Mona's aunt is the dressmaker for Lady Somerset and they make a decent living out of what they have, until Lady Somerset passes away and they have to fear for dear life as to where they're gonna go. But Lady Somerset turns out to be better than that and leaves an allowance for Mona.

Mona is a bright girl, who loves to read and playing with her dolls. She has a friend in Maggie, who I despised towards the end simce she turned out to be mean and jealous and plain wicked.

Mr. Benjamin inherits the manor from her mother and I loved the depiction of queer in the book, the queer being Mr. Benjamin. He's such a lovely man, full of love and life and flamboyance and he really takes a shine to Mona for reasons known later in the book. But he's a great guy who is nice to everyone.

We see some other characters in the book like the Somerset children who are all lovely to read about except Cedric and Ada. And Peter who is sweet on Mona initially but turns out to be a jerk later.

Finally there's the secret which comes out in the end.
All in all it was good but I felt unsatiated in the end. Also I didn't understand why the book was named Dancing the Charleston. There wasn't so much Charleston in it.