A review by scarla
Zom-B Mission by Darren Shan


How nice to be able to read the next book in a series just after you finished the last one :)
I started "Zom-B Mission", book #7 in the Zom-B series by Darren Shan immediately after finishing "Zom-B Gladiator" and I regret nothing.

Story: B Smith and the other Angels are relieved to finally receive their first mission to safely escort a group of human survivors from the zombie-infested streets of London to New Kirkham, a barricaded safe haven in the country. But after battling through crowds of undead monsters, B discovers that the survivors of the town do not necessarily represent the best of humanity. And when evil influences make their way to New Kirkham, unearthing demons from B s past, the humans will be forced to choose between being honorable and being safe.

Finally a mission for B and her group of Angels. Dr Oystein took his time to trust them to leave London and now they should escort the human Emma and her child.
It was nice to get out of London. I always find a change of location interesting and after a big part of the last book was set on a boat, a restricted area, being on a mission with the characters was interesting and varied.
We also get to know new characters. Vinyl, one of B's best friends, appears on the scene.
Of course, there's trouble coming B's way.
She learns more about her past, but this could affect her future in a negative way.
Nevertheless, Rage has a bigger part, yeah :)

What is the scary dog up to? Can she trust her companions?

Many new questions came up while reading this book and I have no idea how all this will turn out in the end.
It makes me wondering how I would react, if I would live in a world where I would never be safe, where I would need to watch out for zombies everywhere I go, where I could not even be safe in with other humans. Can this have a good ending for humanity?

Like always, 4 stars for this Shan-book. I'm looking forward to the next books.