A review by ellelainey
James Potter and the Vault of Destinies by G. Norman Lippert


Longer than the other two but much more detailed, i feel. I hated it for one reason - it made me cry! Multiple times. For every other reason i love it. It is officially my favourite of the three.

Unfortunately, it also made me relive the tragic moments of many HP books, hence the crying, as well as the shocking end. I really held out hope until the last line.

I only have one problem. I didn't write a review of book 2, because i was waiting to see if book 3 would answer my question...it didn't! What were the three words that James wrote down on book 2, after his dream about Albus? That is really annoying me as it's the only unanswered question i have from all three books. I have guesses but i really want to know what they were, to know if i was right or not.

Otherwise, i loved it, loved it, loved it. So much more like HP than the other two and yet, the other two were very much like HP. I'm not sure how it's done but it's genius. I enjoy the reappearance of HP characters long missed and never really given a real ending in HP, and where they fit in JP, seems absolutely perfect because we already know who they are and that it's a great place for them to be.

What i'd like to know, is will there be another book? There is a space for it. The tragic ending doesn't need to stay that way...if * was the thread, then it's very possible for things to be resolved after another, hard year, of putting everything right and taking down W.U.L.F. and their new leader???