A review by ameserole
Freak of Nature by Julia Crane


Freak of Nature was honestly a random book that I picked off of my romance package on the audible app. I did, however, enjoy the book and it definitely flew by this morning.

Now I don't think I've read a book about a person donating themselves (and their body) to science.. so this was intriguing. Then when I met the main characters, Kaitlyn and Lucas, I was interested to say the least.. but I wasn't fully invested in them. More so in Kaitlyn, I don't know what it is but there was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. It had nothing to do with what she did and how she was different than before but something was off about her. I guess it's hard to explain.

Then there's Lucas, who was ally towards her and they sort of had this little romance going on but I wasn't into it. Maybe because it felt a bit forced to my ears but I was definitely taking a step back to go with the flow of everything. I wish my opinion on them would've changed but it really didn't.

Overall, it was a nice short book and I might dive into the next one if I come across it in either KU or my audible but I wont go out of my way to look for them.