A review by libralita
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection by Brandon Sanderson


Note: There will be spoilers for all the series listed in the summary so you’ve been warned!


The Selish System Notes:

What is the university of Silverlight? There are so many secret organizations in this series.

The Emperor’s Soul

Rating: 5/5

Overall this was a really cool story, Elantris has the best grand-fatherly figures. It had a really interesting magic system and dove a little deeper into the Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual Realms. The magic system, as Brandon noted at the end of the story that it was similar to soul casting. Trying to persuade a stick that it is fire. Perhaps this is what Shallan will learn.

The Hope of Elantris

Rating: 4/5

This was a cute story, I was hopping to see more of Raoden and Sarene but it was cute. The father and daughter relationship was just adorable. So Galladon and Karata are both worldhoppers?

Scadrial System

The Eleventh Metal

Rating: 3/5

“Wells of energy” Interesting imagery…So we get to meet Kelsier’s Mistborn master who is being influenced by Ruin. This story was honestly kinda boring. But it was nice to see Kelsier again.

Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania, Episodes 28 through 30

Rating: 5/5

Oh my god this was the best, these shorts are so champy and cheesy. The Terrisman annotating the story is my favorite part. I need to get me a Terris steward because they’re so sassy.

We finally learn what Koloss blooded is and it isn’t humans and Koloss having sex, thankfully. So Harmony made female Koloss and gave them the ability to have children, then when those children become 12 they can either join human society or become full fledged Koloss. Weird but cool.

The faceless immortals are not mythological, they’re real as day.

People caused riots because of a cliffhanger in Allomancer Jak, that’s great.

Interesting how the survivor’s treasure are spikes.

Mistborn: Secret History

Rating: 5/5

Link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1707093441

Taldain System

White Sand

Rating: 4/5

Link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1686322693

Threnodite System

Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell

Rating: 4/5

Link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1745494966

Drominad System

Sixth of the Dusk

Rating: 5/5

Dusk and Vathi are very cute together.

“‘Well, yes, it has been discussed. However, they are important parts of the ecosystem on these islands. Removing the apex, predators could have undesirable results.’
‘Undesirable results?’ Dusk ran his left hand through his hair. ‘They’d be gone. All of them! I don’t care what other problems you think it would cause. They would all be dead.’”—Page 517

I think that’s a bad idea Dusk.

This seemed very 90s environmental movie, y’know like Ferngully or Once Upon a Forest or Lorax. Although it was much better and I enjoyed it a lot.

Rosharan System

I find it odd that Roshar is slightly smaller than Scaderial. Maybe it’s because Roshar has three moons and Scaderial doesn’t have any but I thought that Roshar would be far larger.

The Storms pre-date Honor and Cultivation.

“A Rosharan year is longer than cosmere standard”—Page 536

Fuck yeah, I was right!


Rating: 5/5

Wyndle is adorable, he gardens chairs.

I want Lift and Wayne to meet.

“‘Yes,’ Wyndle said, ‘you should do jus that! Let us pop over to the market and pick up a legendary, all-powerful weapon of myth and lore, worth more than many kingdoms! I hear they sell them in bushels, following spring weather in the east.’”—Pages 547-548

I love Wyndle!

“No. The sword likes you.”—Szeth, Page 639

Hey, Szeth. Also ahhhhhh that sword is made of evil!

Rule #1 of Roshar: never follow philosophers down an alley, you will be traumatized.

“‘But you,’ the thing said, ‘did not come for a contest, did you? We watch the others. The assassin. The surgeon. The liar. The highprince. But not you. The others all ignore you…and that, I hazard to predict, is a mistake.’”—Page 651

Szeth, Kal, Shallan, Dalinar?

What’s a Siah?

“She hugged Darkness.
He clung to her, this monster, this callous thing that had once been a Herald. He clung to her and wept in the storm.”—Page 664


“I must be metal. There is…a connection between our power, when condensed and metal.”—Wyndle, 665

Metal?! Like Mistborn?

A Shardfork, goddammit. “I was a very regal fork.” Goddamn, these two are made for each other.