A review by marka
Never Trust an Elf by Robert N. Charrette



This is good Shadowrun action. I read Never Deal With A Dragon before this and found it had some serious deficiencies. Not so here. Although this is I believe set after the Secrets of Power books this could easily be read on its own. Khan is a likeable protagonist, much more than Sam Verner in my opinion.
The action speeds along but never does the plot become too convoluted.
True it rehashes quite a few cliche s but you are brought into the suspense and there is enough emotional colour (just) to the characters. Even the descriptions are skilful enough if not exactly poetry then good enough to accomplish what they set out.
My only criticism is that the story seems to platteau around halfway and the subsequent plot twists do not quite build a sense of suspense and logical progression.
I'd recommend this as a first Shadowrun book as the world building is pretty good.