A review by owlyreadsalot
Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena


3.5 Stars

Okay, it's not often that I give a book a half star... this just called for it. There was so much in this book, so many great things, but also so much that had me wanting different outcomes, or change in pace, or in emotion. So, I couldn't quite get to the a full four, but there was no way I could place it right there at a three either. Because, if you've heard (or read) this book by now, then you know how much is filled up in those pages.

Now, here's my reasons why it's all a mix of feels... and there's a lot. We have Gul, whom at first gives me that kind of "I don't quite know what to do with you" feels. That has to do with her character kind of being all over the place, but it also helps with how she's been brought to the us, with the loss of her loved ones and the craziness surrounding her youth. And though I feel for her, sometimes I wasn't the biggest fan of the way her character came off.

Again, a mix of feels. I can't take from her though that she's resilient, a fighter, and "the chosen one", because yes, she's Neo in here (well, not all Matrix style, but def changing history). The one with the star-shaped birthmark that will bring an end to one of their most darkest times in history. With that said, those first lines in this book are shocking and telling of what this world is all about. And yes, it was intense. What a way to start a read!

That definitely kept me going, wanting to find out more about those called Sky Warriors and why they were bent on destroying lives because of a chosen one. Or, the Sisterhood of the Golden Lotus with all their secretive ways and magical abilities. They were my absolute favorite group in here. I wasn't always a fan of how some of their stories were portrayed, but it made for a bigger impact (in why the chosen one needed to end all of it).

Then came Cavas, which cannot be forgotten because his role is just as important in here. So yeah, again... sometimes I was all about who he was and where he was going, then the other half I was not that drawn by him. Which, caused me to be uninterested at times. See what I mean, it's really a roller-coaster in here. That brings me to the relationship between himself and Gul. At times, it was on fire, then it fell a bit flat, and then I was not sure how to feel. But, the in-between of it all was pretty great.

But, what had most of my attention was the magical aspect of the this world. There are Truth Seekers who can tell if you're lying (a dangerous gift), those called Whisperers that can talk with animals (that plays a big role), others that can do future readings, wield dead magic (you've got to read this to find out more), and it goes on. Plus, the truth of Gul's lineage and why her abilities are far surpassing. Yeah, no matter the mix feels, it's definitely worth having them. Good read for sure!

***I received this ARC from Fierce Reads, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***