A review by sumsreadsalot
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo


So much potential wasted...

I wish i could love this book as much as i wanted to but alas...it failed to impress. Which is a shame really because the synopsis was so promising and i actually thought this would be an amazing read. I think the author just failed to deliver and it was very ...meh.

There are so many things wrong with this book and it all lies in character development. This is the huge downfall of this book. There was literally NO CHEMISTRY between the two main characters! I loved the beginning of the book when Lira was a siren but as soon as she turned human, thats when it goes downhill for her. She became this annoyingly mean boring person. As for Elian... his downfall lies with the authors mistake of giving him a POV. There was NO NEED. We couldve heard the story entirely from Lira's POV and it would've made the story tons better.

Elian reminds me a lot of Kaz from Six of Crows and the story is also on a similar note (a crew going on a heist like mission to save their people). However hearing his POV weakened his character a great deal and made him sound more like a whiny little boy than the daring pirate he is made out to be.

The story is really good and i feel like if the author just fixed the characters and rewrote the story, it wouldve been so amazing! I mean you have a Siren who's mission it is to kill the prince who in turn kills her people and is on a mission himself to kill the Prince's bane. So much potential unfortunately wasted!