A review by librarydeb
The Bobbsey Twins at the County Fair by Laura Lee Hope


Wonderful book, lovely childhood memories. Love this series. Read this book partly because I am working my way through the series from my childhood. I have a bunch of really old print copies, but I am reading them on my Kindle as they are free always and I don't want to damage my old books. I also was reading it because it fits a prompt for my Ultimate Popsugar Reading Challenge

With 4 children, and especially those 2 young twins, the children have many adventures and a get into a bunch of scrapes and trouble...

"'All right, agreed Bert, seeing a chance for the smaller twins to play by themselves while he and Nan experimented with the swing. 'You get your boat, Freddie, and you get doll, Flossie, and we'll all go down to the brook and apple tree together.'
'Be careful, now!' called Mrs. Bobbsey, as the children ran off.
'We will,' they promised. And really they meant to, but you know how it often is-things happen that you can't help." (pg. 33)

"Mr. and Mrs. Bobbsey tried to gather the children close to them, to get them out of the way of the men. But, in some manner, Flossie and Freddie turned to one side, and before they know it they were separated from their friends. And then Flossie and Freddie found themselves pushed close up against the balloon basket.
'Oh, let's get in!' cried Freddie.
'We'll just sit down for a minute and then get out,' agreed Flossie" (pg 52)

Of course this got them into a ton of trouble. The balloon takes off because of the wind and storm and the parents and others have to go after the little ones to rescue them.

"'Yes, darlings, here you are! cried Mrs. Bobbsey, tears running down her cheeks. 'But, oh, why did you ever do it? Why did you get into the balloon?'
'Oh, jest 'cause,' answered Freddie. And they all laughed at his answer." (pg 66)

Lovely adventures. Wonderful characters. Clean stories... great for early elementary chapter book readers and family read-aloud!

Ultimate Popsugar Reading Challenge prompt(s) –
#2 - A book that makes you nostalgic