A review by tessa_talks_books
Valley Verified by Kyla Zhao


Valley Verified by Kyla Zhao. a contemporary fiction story,  strips away the technology world's shield, exposing it for the hotbed of misogynistic attitudes it actually is. The realization about what goes on in this world has only recently come to light, and Valley Verified tells the tale through a fashion writer's eyes in a way that illuminates it authentically and approachably.

My favorite character had to be Damien. I loved watching his growth during the story and how he comes through for the main character, Zoe. He's a minor character story-wise but a main character in terms of impact. Zoe, on the other hand, could have been more likable. She is unapologetically herself, and I love that about her. But, she has a naivety that sparked extreme reactions that are often so wrong. I just wanted to take her by the hand and explain my wisdom, which was born of many more experiences than her own. How her instincts were not screaming "danger" to her in certain situations baffled me.

I found the tech world more authentically portrayed than not. My only critique is that I think the story took on too many issues. I would rather read about one issue in depth than many issues addressed just on the surface. The misogyny in the tech profession and, by extension, some of its more social products has been a very troubling revelation, especially in our tech-filled world. Valley Verified has taken an interesting angle to illuminate those issues, even when it stretched to take on a bit too much.