A review by openallnight
Storm by Nina Levine


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Developed characters against the backdrop of the MC usual... wars with other clubs, domineering entitled men, independent women who rise against domineering men... all that good stuff.

Storm is one of the lighter MC reads. Readers who dislike the more intense, raw and misogynistic MC reads will likely find an enjoyable story here.

The male dominated club world was there... but it was more background noise. No free-for-all sex with the clubhouse chicks while the women were home knitting or other scenes that glaringly highlight that women have zero power in this world. Violence was minimal... overall the Grit Factor is low.

The H & h had quite a backstory which the author dealt with effectively and most importantly, moved her characters forward. Too often, authors bog down their characters to amp up the angst but these two actually worked to learn from their pasts. They weren't perfect... but they weren't clueless about it either. Secondary characters were introduced that I anticipate seeing again as the series progresses. The epi though... well it was too short to be gratifying and ended the book too abruptly after an intense scene. I guess I liked to be eased down to my HEA. I needed a bit more.

No cliffhanger. There is an HEA and the series will move onto another couple.