A review by echoingbooks
The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks


Okay so this book took me awhile to finish as I only read like a few pages each night. The reason for that was because I was in the mood for horror and thriller books. I have also been reading a lot of fanfictions of my favorite TV Series so I kept putting this of.  

This book was an all right read as I did enjoy it. Though this is my first time reading this even though this book have been released in 1977 but sadly I kept comparing this book to The Lord of the Rings trilogy which I know I should not have done but I just could not help it.  LOTR is from the same genre though….  This book was nice and action packed but sadly the start of the book was a bit slow for my taste but it did get better after awhile. I just needed to push trough in the beginning.

 Shea was my favorite character in this book. He was so stubborn and he never gave up and I loved how loyal he is. He is also very brave, I mean he left the home that he knew all his life to go into danger looking for a Sword that only he could use with virtual strangers as he only knew two of the people at the start of the adventure.

This book had nice character development and the writing was good but sometime there was a bit too much information all at once. All in all this was a good read and I most probably will read again when I am in the mood for fantasy books.