A review by lunasmaria
I Love You More by Jennifer Murphy


3.5 Stars

I really liked this book and the mystery it held. It's very [b:We Were Liars|16143347|We Were Liars|E. Lockhart|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1402749479l/16143347._SY75_.jpg|21975829] mixed with [b:Gone Girl|19288043|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1554086139l/19288043._SY75_.jpg|13306276] and a touch of [b:My Sister Rosa|26465507|My Sister Rosa|Justine Larbalestier|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442145654l/26465507._SY75_.jpg|46465143].

The mystery is in depth and there are many clues throughout, I guessed the killer mainly because I guessed everyone at one point or another.

It is a slow book and the book focuses mostly on a 12 year old girl so there's a lot of pettiness involved. Sometimes the mystery took a backseat but nothing else was developed in it's place. I actually didn't mind that - usually I can't stand child narrators.

As much as I liked it I felt a little disjointed from it and I can't pinpoint why. It was interesting but it just didn't draw me in how I had hoped it would. The mystery wasn't that in depth and nothing really startled me. He was just a shitty dude who hurt people.

Verdict - definitely not a Gone Girl but definitely a different book for me to pick up.