A review by cody240fc
Abel and Cain by David Dollenmayer, Joshua Cohen, Marshall Yarbrough, Gregor von Rezzori, Joachim Neugroschel


A rambling mess in all the right ways. “Abel and Cain” is an older man’s reflection of his life in Europe. Rezzori harkens back to the aristocratic zeitgeist that existed between the two WWs (aka the now defunct Middle Kingdom of Yurop), remembers past romances, fumes on the state of literature, and struggles with the memory and death of his closest friend (not a spoiler).

This might seem straightforward enough, but Rezzori wants nothing to do with straightforward. The structure and prose are what really make this book standout. ‘Abel and Cain’ is a maximalist effort, so it will not be to everyone’s liking. Rezzori demands your full attention with jumping timelines and incomplete thoughts. The structure mimics disordered memories as they might exist in one’s head (“I’m sorry I’m showing all this in such disorder, but that’s also how memory functions- if it functions at all.”). But it’s good stuff and reads easier once you get used to the style. It’s also pretty damn funny and entirely original.

I recommend reading this at a deliberate pace so that you can give it your undivided attention. It is very much worth the effort. I considered going with five stars, but we'll settle with high four. I reserve the right to adjust upward, however.