A review by karlakayjenniges
The Miracle Sin by Marcus Hawke


"What a fickle thing time was. Ignore it and it speeds up. Pay attention and it lingers. When you
want more, there isn’t any, and when you want to be rid of it, there’s no escape. Like a flighty lover, time is both loving and cruel."

"While others have faces, shapes, and sounds we can try to block out, the unknown is the most insidious of fears, for it turns our imaginations against us.

"It was a blessing and a curse. A miracle and a sin.”

As I sit here trying to write this review, I am finding myself to be at a loss for words. That is something that rarely happens. Part of the reason is because I do not want to write anything that will give away any spoilers. I really believe that this should be read going into it without knowing anything about it accept from the synopsis.

I found this to be absolutely wonderful in every way possible. The prose is stunning, the characters are well developed, and the themes are a medley, filled with some brutal moments, and yet there is a tenderness that is heartfelt. Religious undertones that makes the mind question, loss of human life, human suffering and questioning faith. New friendships, and some moments that gave me a chuckle. Then we are given the horrific Vampires, the chilling ghosts, and if I am not mistaken an evil demonic presence which truly chilled me.

I just love the depth of this and it has nestled itself into my soul.

So, thank you Mr. Hawke for sharing your beautiful words!

"I get my strength from books. Stories about people who don’t even exist . . . though, in a way, I guess they kind of do, as aspects of the people who write them. I’ve learned more lessons that way than any other because, to me, that’s real.