A review by eesh25
The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett


So, this is a very direct sequel to The Colour of Magic. For one, it starts right when the last one ended. It follows the same characters and the same story (about the spell in Rincewind's mind). And I had pretty similar feelings about it. There's just more familiarity with Rincewind and Twoflower now, which the book builds on. We get to know Rincewind a little better and he grows as a person. Twoflower changes too. He still has his rose-coloured-mind, but we get to see that he's also insightful and loyal and capable of adjusting to his environment (to an extent). And we learn that there's some logic behind his too-positive attitude.

Anyway, enough about these two. We also get some expansion to the world via the other characters we follows, especially the wizards and another Hero we meet. We don't see more of the gods though, which was a bummer.

The plot, as I mentioned is about the spell in Rincewind's mind. But it's also about the other seven spells in the Octavo and how they're going to prevent a disc-ending catastrophe. That acts as the base plot while a whole bunch of other shenanigans take place. But that, I think, might be a common element of the absurdism sub-genre, not that I've read much of it.

What else... The humour was, once again, on point. There was a scene about how different mountains had gotten their names that had tears pouring out of my eyes. And overall, I enjoyed the story, the writing, and the world. I also really like both the protagonists now.

There's not much else to say. I don't know if the third book follows Rincewind as well or if it's someone else. Either way, I'm looking forward to it, and I'll be reading it soon. In the end, I'll leave with a quote:
The important thing about having lots of things to remember is that you've got to go somewhere afterwards where you can remember them... You haven't really been anywhere until you've got back home.