A review by marthasweeney
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


3.5 Stars
The story was interesting in the beginning, drawing me, making me need to know the connection. Once it was revealed, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. There could have been some much more depth, but I felt left short. It's another alpha male who's dominant all the time . . . which is boring to me, especially when the woman is a damsel in distress. This made me think of a modern day mix of Beauty and the Beast with a hint of Rapunzel to it. The back story had some merit, but the female started to bother me after a short bit into the story. There could have been some really good depth and growth for both characters - none for the female and a bit for the male (which was nice). There were a few points where I got uninterested in it - I'm not into the whole superficial mindset.

I hope there second book is more interesting or else I won't finish the series. :)