A review by purelykatherine
A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft


This book had so much potential but honestly it was too slow, too confusing, and just too repetitive. 
Good things: 
-Authors writing style was easy to read, sentence structure was awesome
-The descriptions of clothing/scenes/characters were well thought out and beautifully done
Bad things:
-The ending was confusing and wrapped with with nothing resolved, i'm still confused on a lot of things
-The MMC was borderline bully romance but didn't grovel enough at the end for me
-The plot started out with so much information dumping that literally ended up going no where 

I'm not sure what to say, the premise of this book was right up my alley, I am a regency fanatic as well as a fantasy girl and to have those two together is my dream. However; this book was one of those almost perfect but not quite there moments. There was a lot of things that kept me interested and that I liked. I actually really enjoyed reading this book all the way through however; the ending ruined it. Nothing was resolved or finished and it was all "easily fixed" but nothing actually got fixed and for that, the book honestly should be a 2 but I enjoyed the story enough that i'm boosting to a 3. 
This is something arc readers should push to fix because if the ending had more information or resolution this book would have been much higher up in ranking for me. 
If you do pick up this book just go in with lower expections of storyline that borders more the hallmark "everything works out perfectly despite there being glaring issues" vibes.