A review by floralfox
It's Hard Not to Hate You: A Memoir by Valerie Frankel


Valerie Frankel is funny. And that can be hard to do with just words on a page, without inflection and facial expressions or gestures. I mean, I could watch Chelsea Lately all day long, but I'm not sure her book got one laugh out of me. And boy do I love Tina Fey, but there were times when I thought, listening to Bossypants on audiobook, "I'm not sure if that joke would have come off the same way if I'd just seen it in text."

Frankel is honest, wry, and bold in ways I sometimes want to be but can't force myself to do. She's self-deprecating and capable of looking into herself and trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with her. I admire that. Not all of us can do it. Not all of us would even try. She's also got some good lessons about forgiveness in her (forgiving herself and others) and touching moments between her and her family, even though she's not usually one for sentimentality.

I think it sought out what it was supposed to do: I was curious about her life and I cared about it, and it made me laugh. I don't think any happy-go-lucky people might see in it what I see, but I'm a complainer. I whine and bitch and moan over all the little things, so I understood it perfectly.

It's probably not something I would've picked up if it hadn't been for my book club, but I'm glad I read it.