A review by madjaz217
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee

Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
DNF at 10%

Having read the Yangchen duology and the first Kyoshi book, it looks like this series is following the same pattern as the other one, and the continuation was much weaker than the first book in that case. I've totally lost interest in this sequel and don't think it will deliver what was promised. The author centers the antihero's story in ways I don't like or think fits the narrative. And I wanted a much longer timeline covered in these novels -- instead it focuses on one struggle early on in each Avatar's journey, and drags it out for 2 books. They could have covered something much more interesting in this Avatar's journey because she lived for 300 years lol. I'm disappointed and not wasting any more of my time on these.

Started May 6th, 2024. DNF'd May 30th, 2024.