A review by redhead_reader
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
This book wasn’t for me. It is a gothic, lite horror novel that will probably be a great spooky read for someone else, just not for me. 
The first half of the book was okay but it wasn’t anything special to me. If the book continued on that trajectory I would have given it a solid 3 star review. It moved slow and I kinda figured I knew where it was going but then when the actual plot twist hit I pretty much out the book down and was kinda mad that I wasted my time reading this book. 

*Spoiler below*
 Incidentally, that’s also how I felt after watching The Happening. I figured the mold was going to be the reason for Catalina and Noemi’s issues but it went above and beyond toxic mold, to unbelievable ridiculous levels. 
I didn’t particularly like any of the characters, except for Francis…until I didn’t like him either(of course I didn’t finish the book so maybe he has a redemption arc idk). As other reviewers point out, you expect Mexico from the title but it focuses on a gross English family obsessed with a superior race. And as others have pointed out it’s supposed to take place in the 1950s, but aside from some random pop culture references sprinkled in, there’s not really anything that feels 1950s. It could have been modern day. You also don’t really see Catalina, the entire reason Noemi even goes to High Place, and she’s like a minor character. 

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