A review by kynan
Another Fine Myth by Robert Lynn Asprin


A rather tongue-in-cheek treatment of the fantasy genre, following the apprenticeship of Skeeve and his associates through assorted adventures.

I'd liken this book (and I'm assuming the rest of the series) to the Dexter books. This was a light, fun read, although the Myth book is rather more overtly humourous with a predilection for sarcasm and a lot of the puns edge into breaking the fourth wall. There is also some rather time-specific humour sprinkled around that is showing its age (i.e. the references to MC Hammer). I particularly enjoyed the jocular quotes that set the mood for each chapter.

Overall I enjoyed this story and I'll be checking in on book two of the series (Myth Conceptions) at some stage.

The audio version I listened to was produced by Audible Frontiers and narrated by Noah Michael Levine. For some reason I found the voices he used for the imps a little distracting but apart from that I think he did a good job. There were no audio embellishments to distract from the narration.