A review by ahmed_suliman
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne


I WASTED 3 hours in this shit.

Well, Firstly I liked the style that the writer showed us her Idea (short paragraphs and Shifting from a speaker to another) plus using the word "You" too much to make the reader feel that he’s being talked directly. These are the only reasons that helped me to finish the book till it’s end. But, I’ve many objections about the Idea in the “Scientific field” and the “logical”.
“The Law of attraction” it’s simply —according to the Authors— you’ll get in hand what you’re focusing on, in your head .. Good or bad.

the whole book calls us to Focus our thoughts on what we want, and certainly we will get it, without concerning ourselves be “How” we will get it or what shall we do other than focusing whatever you’re focusing on millions of dollars, dating 3 girls a week, recovering from Cancer and other hilarious dreams .. just focus and the universe, the Gods, the supermarket or any other power will definitely obey the energy originated from your thoughts and give you what you want .

1) In Case you wish a wealth or success.
just (think, believe and focus) congratulations you’ll get what you want. It’s nonsense .. Dreams has no bases in our reality without physical actions by OURBODIES not an action only by THE UNIVERSE. There’s no presence for miracles. Even in religions we (wish – believe – focus – ask and STRIVE) .. without Striving your thoughts and wishes are trash.

2) in case you want to be loved.
They said love yourself first and focus on how lovely you are, and “you will date three a week ” … what the fuck is this ?! really, what are you fucking saying guys ???

3) In case you want to recover from an illness :
focus on how you’re healthy, how the world is very beautiful place and good health will be attracted to your life. even if it’s a breast cancer it’s just three months and you’ll be ok.
Guys ok a great part of recovery is originated psychologically from inside, but at the end we’re not spirits, we are bodies and physical illness must be treated by physical therapy .. our thoughts and believes in universe or brainns or any other powers will not attract a cure for cancer !!

For “the thoughts’ frequencies” ok our brain is a group of “Neurons” electrical cells so it must this electrical energy must frequencies which is different from a brain work to another, solving mathematical solutions will definitely be different from telling a joke, and telling a joke will differs from telling a lie. But at the end these electrical energy depends on ions so it’s a very WEAK energy which needs to be amplified more than one fold to be only recorded. And IT’S NON-SPREADABLE, It has limits and borders.
Can anybody believes that 175 HZ can bring 3 girls a week??! Indeed, 175 million dollars can not bring them.

Also, by talking about our usage of the brain power, it’s Untrue that we only use 5% of it .. but neurologists say that we use the most of our brain to keep it in active state allthe time and below 30% of brain we will suffer from dementia.

The single star will be given to some ideas I liked in the book, like gratitude rock “but keep it’s power out of mind” .. it will just remind us we’ve smt to be grateful for. Also, the dream board but it should be side by side with some plans to achieve these dreams,
I agree too with that; the dominance of fearful thoughts make them come true BY OUR HANDS not the universe “What you resist persists”.
Be passionate, be optimistic but always remember to be reasonable and have some logic.