A review by petra_reviews_mm
Can't Help Falling in Love with an Alien by Chloe Archer


2.5* overall... So much disappointed with this one. And I am so sad. I wanted to love it.

I really liked the first book (rated it 4* for the wordiness and stupidity of some characters but otherwise I loved it), but this one? I really wanted it to end from 40 % onwards. I will be ranting but I will try to also be constructive...

the review contains some spoilers... I could not help myself really

There are lots of plot lines but they just moved too epicly slow (constant dead ends, no info, no witnesses...). And then boom! Solved. What was the point of them if there is no natural progression? And once there is a movement in the plot and we get to a rescue, we have to read a whole conversation about some convention? Like what the heck? People (and aliens) were scared shitless for River and then they just stand and listen to the convo?

Which brings me to the same criticism as for the first book - TOO MANY WORDS. Really. And I am not talking about River. Just generally speaking. If someting is discussed in one POV, we do not need to read about the same thing from the other POV.

Speaking of POVs, sometimes, the way they were organised - it really lessened the suspense. We readers know about the kidnapping already so why should we read about somebody wondering what happenned, only to find out (once again) that someone was kidnapped.

Romance (and mainly its development) definitely took a back seat. Some sex scenes were cool but otherwise nothing. The LACK OF COMMUNICATION killed my vibe from the very beginning. I even contemplated DNFing the book at the beginning because Kai did not tell River they are about to meet with his ex. Like really? It did not cross his mind to tell River? It just felt so forced as a plot device. And yeah, guys are together for a month so it makes sense there is so little development romance-wise... but then why write the book set so soon after the first one? It did not feel realistic really.

The sex is hot.

The possibility of mpreg, not so much... I started reading this sci-fi because it did not involve mpreg (I checked tags, reviews to the first and other books and it is not even mentioned.) and now it is a major problem. And the whole thing about the pregnancy being highly unlikely (believe me, it is repeated multiple times)... what is the point of it then? I am ranting at this point because I hate mpreg. So yeah. I really skimmed the last 20 % because I will not be continuing the story. Yeah. Just because of an mpreg possibility. I think it should be mentioned in the blurb. Not everyone is "gaga" over mpreg.