A review by araowl
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Did not finish book. Stopped at 63%.
This book is beautifully written but it's shattering my heart into a million pieces and making me burn with rage and honestly my body can't handle these intense emotions right now. I know as a white person I shouldn't shelter myself from stories like this that are all too real, but... yeah I have no excuse other than the desire to protect my mental health. The topic of beauty is especially triggering for me, and seeing this wonderful little girl hate herself and get abused by everyone around her, it's so beyond sad that it makes me feel sick. Maybe I'm just too sensitive right now. I really want to read more books by black authors that are a bit more hopeful and fun to read and have characters falling in love, going on adventures, etc. maybe all of this means I'm in the mood for genre fiction rather than literary right now and you know what that's ok. This book is great, and it's so important but... fuck. Maybe I'll try it again someday when I'm in a healthier and more self-assured mental state and have the ability to read this with a bit more emotional distance so I can appreciate it fully🙃

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