A review by kathydavie
Rebellion by Nora Roberts


In publications-order, Rebellion was published after Roberts started writing the MacGregor historically romantic family saga, hence the need to number this as 0.1 in the series. The couple focus is on Brigham Langston and Serena MacGregor on the eve of the Jacobite uprising of 1745.

With the mess this series is in, in terms of publication order, I've put together a list chronologically and noting which stories are combined into single books, so you may want to explore the MacGregor family saga on my website.

My Take
Well, it was a rather mediocre romance with the usual suspects. I'm hoping its purpose was simply to provide a reason for the family's exile and striving to return to their lost estates.

If you've read a few histories and romances about the Jacobite Rebellion, the '45, you know how it goes. Roberts provides a point of view from this group of characters but skims very lightly over Prince Charles' weaknesses. The rebellion's real purpose is simply to provide the reason for the MacGregors' and Langstons' to struggle in the future.

The Story
It's time. Bonnie Prince Charlie intends to take back his crown. It's why Brigham and Coll are riding fast for Coll's home in the Highlands. But it's Brigham's Englishness that warrants his violent reception when he arrives with a dying Coll.

Nothing will soften Serena's perception of this Englishman. Nothing but those impatient kisses and fevered caresses.

And in between, the MacGregors and Langston are rallying the clans — with a slip for Coll to rediscover Margaret MacDonald's more grownup beauty.

The Characters
Ian and Fiona MacGregor are the Lord and Lady of the manor whose daughter, Serena, has good reason to despise the English. Coll is her older brother followed by Gwen and then Malcolm the younger son.

Brigham Langston, fourth earl of Ashburn, has been filled with tales of the Scottish kings on his mother's side of the family. And he and his best friend Coll MacGregor's actions have always been aimed at a Stuart restoration. Parkins is his very correct and finicky valet whom we discover has a wealth of bravery.

Bonnie Prince Charles with two of his advisers: Lord George Murray and Quarter-Master General O'Sullivan.

Captain, now Colonel, Standish is the English pig who violated Serena's mother. Lucky for Langston that he can bring such a betrothal gift to the woman he loves.

The Title
Not particularly imaginative, the title sums it up — Rebellion. And, so it is, a rebellion against Hanover George.