A review by readgayly
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring


I went in thinking this was going to be a eerie thriller. And while that's definitely how the setting an story started, it took an unfortunate turn very quickly.
My first issue with this book was the use of multiple points of views. I usually don't have a problem with a book featuring multiple POV's, in fact - a lot of times, it's a great way to get to know more about said character(s). I think the reason it didn't work here was because the tone of voice was just SO jarring between the two. As many have pointed out, we didn't even know the gender of Angel until at least a quarter of the way in.
I was handling the story-line and history of the school alright and was fairly content at where it was heading. But then the twist happened. The twist that occurred I'd say about less than 100 pages from the end. The twist that basically made my entire reading experience a giant waste of time. And a 3/5 book, down to an automatic 2/5.
I know there are people that love the twist and this book, but to me it just felt way too unnecessary. Maybe if this was told from Angel's point of view, it would of flowed better?
Also, it's not a bad thing for the reader to guess a plot twist or upcoming story-line. If you leave the clues and the readers pick up on it, that's just good writing.
In the case of "The Tenth Girl", all the ending did was just anger me and I'm sure a ton of other people.