A review by what_ella_reads
Huntress by Julie Hall


My rating: 3.5 stars out of 5 stars

Wow! What an interesting read. I'm not sure if I have ever read another book like it!
What makes this book unique is is that it takes place mostly in the afterlife and that all of the main characters are dead.
I will admit that it took awhile for me to embrace all the concepts in this book. This is a Christian fiction book, but based on several of the ideas presented about heaven (i.e. You can still sin when you're in heaven, you can get physically injured fighting demons, etc...) it does seem to to contradict scripture about at life after death.

I think the concepts, though not exactly scripture based, do work, because I think the book is intended to only be seen as a fantastical and magical story, with Christian principles in it.
I think it also works because the author does not take liberties with the gospel. She makes it clear that we are all in need of Jesus' grace and mercy and that we can only have peace with God of we turn and trust in Him. She also makes it very clear that spiritual warfare is real and serious, as we can see through the struggles that Audrey and Logan go through.

While I did really end up enjoy the thought provoking aspects of this book, I didn't end up absolutely loving this book. It took me till about half way through to really get into the story.
It also took me about that long to connect with main character, Audrey. Though she could be super bratty sometimes, I did like how maturely she acted at the end of the book.
As for the two male leads, I'm not a fan of either, as of this point. Logan is too broody and serious for my tastes and Jonathan is a little too flirty and forward for me to trust him. We'll see if my opinion on them changes as I continue this series.

I'm not sure when I will get around to reading book two, but I eventually will!