A review by awebster92
SEALs of Winter by Cora Seton, Delilah Devlin, Anne Marsh, S.M. Butler, Elle James, Kimberley Troutte, Elle Kennedy, Zoe York, Jennifer Lowery



Reivew By Alex From http://thebibliophileprincess.com/

Dan is freshly out of the military and a former Navy seal. He decides to spend his time on a ranch with his friend Mason who soon introduces him to Sarah. Sarah is in the Army and is one tough lady. She sees herself as Dan’s equal and soon she makes him realize it too.

Spending a holiday break competing in a training camp?! Not my idea of a vacation but could be fun to watch.

Sarah I feel I connect with on the way she feels about men. She wants more in a relationship yet the men that she attracts only act interested in more but only want flings or one night stand. Now that she has met Dan, who is someone who also wants more she is having a hard time believing it. He may want something more but how is she to know it’s with her. The chemistry between Dan and Sarah is perfect; it’s unlike many romance navels. They are competitive and sarcastic towards one another. It’s great because it makes it seem more real.

I give this a 3/5

Favorite quote “Black belt in making out.”

FLASH FIRE (an Out of Uniform novella) by ELLE KENNEDY.

Reviewed by Alisha from http://thebohemianhousewife.com/

Flash Fire is about Navy Seal, Cash, and his photographer girlfriend ,Jen - she travels to a dangerous country against his wishes. She gets wrapped up in a nasty situation. While she is hoping she can stay hidden long enough to get save, Cash worries. He can do nothing to help but hope she gets saved and saves private Jamie. This was an okay novella. I probably won't read the rest of the series but I didn't hate it. 3/5


Reviewed by Alisha from http://thebohemianhousewife.com/

Cloe is a woman with a troubled past. She was at fault for a horrible accident that ruined her life. Donovan is a Navy seal divorcee. Donovan does everything he can to protect her from a crazed stalker that hit her with his car EVEN if Cloe tells him ’NO’ a zillion times.. I wasn’t a fan of this Novella. When I say ‘NO’ I mean it. It’s not okay to let a man override your authority (even if he means well). Donovan was too much. 2/5

SEAL'S PROPOSAL (A Take No Prisoners story) by ELLE JAMES.

Reivew By Alex From http://thebibliophileprincess.com/

Remy is a Navy Seal just home from a six month operation. He comes home to his girlfriend Mitchell who is apart of NCIS and very dedicated to her work and had recently gone undercover. Mitchell has busted a case of man named Rocco who was running human trafficking and a murderer. After he is sentenced and leaving the courthouse Rocco is taken out of custody by some of his people and now on the run. Mitchell is now in fear because she is the person who sent Rocco away and now is in fear of her life. Remy has no idea how much danger Mitchell is in, all he can think about id the perfect Colorado Christmas proposal.

I enjoyed this book because honestly Mitchell is a total bad ass, I like that she doesn't NEED Remy to save her and keep her safe. She knows he could but she also knows how important this vacation is to Remy and doesn't want to spoil it for him.
I give this book a 4/5, I found it had a nice balance between romance and suspense.


Reviewed by Alisha from http://thebohemianhousewife.com/

Yours For Christmas is about Zack and Bree, his estranged wife. If you would call her that. As they got married and didn't see each other again. It might be a bad sign when you come home from deployment and your own wife doesn't remember your face. Then again If you didn't talk to me through not one BUT TWO deployments - You better not come running back after you're out of the military. Especially if you didn't even come to see me on leave! You can tell from the beginning of this novella that they have a pretty awful relationship. Honestly, the guy chickened out asking HIS OWN WIFE to the grand canyon. Rediculous. Marriages aren't fantasies guys. The whole novella Zack is trying to convince Bree that she should take him back with some very hot sex, food, and a kitten (sign me up cowboy..err SEAL?). Very predictable. Slightly annoying. 2/5

SEALED UNTIL CHRISTMAS (a Lucky Thirteen story)by S.M. BUTLER.

Reviewed by Alisha from http://thebohemianhousewife.com/

Char is was adopted by the Mayor of a small town. Her father was a con-man(Brent)and her mother was dead. Brent was more than willing to have child services take her away years ago. Her new parents weren't fond of her speaking with Brent so they forbade it. If she spoke to him she would get kicked out. Char’s Bio Dad has put her in quite a pickle. His loan shark(Smith)is after her because he can no longer locate Brent ,who he assumed was deceased. Smith wanted 20k and was threatening her with violence. Luckily Jesse stepped out in time to save her. Jesse was a small town boy, gone Navy SEAL. He too had a troubled past. Hunted by his dead girlfriend he latches to Char like no other. Char resisted because she didn't want to rope anyone else into this mess. She was trying to find a way to pay him off without alerting her family. Jesse offers to help her with her problems but she refuses. Of course she believes she can handle a guy threatening her life(and her family’s) alone. Char’s parents at the end? I’m not even going into that. This Novella was okay. Not a favorite but It was alright. 3/5


Reivew By Alex From http://thebibliophileprincess.com/

Derek and Callie dated for years but when he made the choice to become a SEAL Callie ended things. All Derek wants is for Callie to marry him and make life together but Callie doesn't want to leave, she feels the timing isn't right. This Novella is only 6 chapters and moved very fast. It lacked depth for me. The first five chapters is made up of Derek trying to convince Callie to marry him. This book is given a 2/5, even though it was technically an easy read it was too predictable and fast moving.


Reivew By Alex From http://thebibliophileprincess.com/

Ty is a Navy seal who's helicopter goes down in a remote terrain in Alaska.. Thankfully a woman named Holly comes upon the crash with her dogs and brings him back to her lodge. Holly runs a lodge for mushers in Alaska. She is trying to restart her life after a horribly abusive relation back in DC almost left her for dead. Through this book you learn more about both of Holly's and Ty's past and you start to feel the connection growing between the two of them. They bot are here to save one another.
Kimberley writes very well, I enjoyed this book even though I didn't think I actually would. I give this a 3/5 and would consider reading another one of her books.

FALL HARD (a SEALs Undone novella) by ZOE YORK.

Reviewed by Alisha from http://thebohemianhousewife.com/

Country boy Jared was infatuated with his beautiful neighbor. She is a strong business woman, She didn't need any saving. I liked that. I'm so sick of the "damsel in distress' story line. Cassie is barren and that keeps her from finding any meaningful relationships. Men her age want a family not IVF. She Made a deal with Jared to only be friends. I don’t blame them, Relationships are tough. I really liked this Novella. Fighting their crushes because they liked the other person so much they wanted to be friends(they didn't want to lose that to sex). Believable characters, good story - That’s all I wanted haha. This was the best Novella I read in this bundle! I'm glad I did - I'm going to look into the rest of the series. It's rare that a novella can make me tear up but this did at the end.(let's hope that wasn't the wine) 4/5

We received this bundle free for an honest review