A review by mnhockeymomreads
Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly


Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly
This book has been HIGHLY anticipated for me....the release was pushed back a couple of times so when it actually released a day earlier than planned I was sooo excited!!! At the same time it’s a hard book to review and summarize without giving too much away!!!
While this is considered a stand alone the characters are part of The Outfit mafia based in the Midwest. So if Cora’s mafia books are new to you, I would recommend starting with the Bound series!

After Danilo’s first fiancée is unable to marry him due to a kidnapping and other events he is promised to her much younger sister, Sofia. One of the two was excited, the other was not. But given the mafia world, they both came to accept their fate.

While the majority of the book taking place prior to Sofia & Danilo’s marriage. Given some Cora’s past books, I was not prepared for that. But reflecting, I think it was for readers to fully understand what the characters experienced in the years leading up to their marriage.

I was hoping that the Danilo we had met in previous books would be different from the private Danilo, and Cora did not disappoint there. He was genuine and worked at a marriage. He didn’t just give lip service and expect her to warm his bed. Sofia also matured a great deal throughout, and I appreciated how she made him work to gain her trust and affection.

I’ll be honest, this book is getting mixed reviews. It seems you love it or hate. Because so much of the book is prior to their marriage, I constantly had to remind myself just how YOUNG Sofia was during much of the story. She was promised to Danilo at age 11. At one point she was giddy about getting a cell phone, and he’s an underboss. Their lives were SOOOO completely different.

I do wish there more of the book focused on when they were actually married and more on the business side of his job. Of course, I wish his sister, Emma and her brother, Samuel played a more prominent role in this book, but I understand that would have been hard given they are getting their own book. I adored their story and still recommend it!