A review by sjklass
The Mountain Story by Lori Lansens


It's a good thing it worked out to be a rainy weekend morning to read the last 150 pages of this intense survival story. I would surely have called in sick. Symptoms, alternating quickened breathing and breath holding accompanied by elevated heart rate. So suspenseful and heart wrenching, this is a character study wrapped up in a thriller. Lost on a rugged mountain, the four characters spend their days trying to be found, trying to survive and the long nights sharing their life stories and reasons for being up on that mountain in the first place. "The most successful people in the most impossible situations are the ones that are sure they're going to get out of it, and they go on thinking that, even if they die trying." This is a thought provoking tale of resilience, redemption and heroism. Google told me that the setting of Mount San Jacinto and the Palm Springs tram was real and not merely fictional. It is now added to my bucket list of places to visit.