A review by adubrow
Crashed by Robin Wasserman


I couldn't put this one down either, but there were times when I wanted to. So four stars over all because this book gave me a lot to think about even if most of it was depressing.

I felt keenly more frustrated with Lia's privileged view point than I felt with the first book. I think Wasserman intended this though so I'm hoping the third book really changes Lia for the better.

the larger issues and the world Wasserman has made were compelling as were the continued dilemmas facing mechs vs orgs, organized religion vs a world too advanced to need it, and many others, but Lia's inability to understand what it would be like to be handicapped, unfairly dealt with, treated badly due to race or class issues, etc. rankled.

What saved the book was the fact that none of the other characters magically agreed with Lia or let her off the hook when she messed up. And ultimately the point of Lia's inability to adapt, grow, or learn from past mistakes is that this makes her no different than the rest of the people in her world.

A bleak observation that makes me worry about what the next book will bring, but I still believe that Wasserman does herself credit by not taking the easy way out and brushing aside all these issues and making her main character a flawless, lovable heroine who can simply save her world from itself.

Needless to say, I will read the next book and soon. I just need to read something more uplifting and less dystopian first.