A review by ezrasupremacy
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis

no rating to be given.

while i at first struggled a lot with the formatting of this book — probably largely because it is the first collection of this sort that i have read — once i had actually gotten into it it was much easier to flow through than anticipated.

if you’re gonna read this, maybe read one “chapter” (part?) a day, rather than making the mistake i did of trying to read this as one would a “regular” book. i think that would make for a significantly better and more worthwhile reading experience. 

a lot of repetition within this, but if you’re opposed to repetition on these kinds of issues i think you have some more thinking to do. 

i can’t think of a single point made in this book that i wouldn’t fully agree with. some i had already known about beforehand and therefore had an opinion on that was reflected here, some i had never heard of and got to start thinking about, some i had not even known i had an opinion on until that opinion was challenged. 

overall this was a fascinating read that i wish i had read properly from the start, and i truly think everyone should read this, especially people in my generation who like to call themselves activists and anti-racist. 

i am ashamed to admit this was the first time i’ve ever read any of davis’ works, but i will make sure to read more of her works as well as some of the works mentioned in this collection in the future.