A review by thenarrative
Bad Tourist: Misadventures in Love and Travel by Suzanne Roberts


Bad Tourist by Suzanne Roberts
Rating 3.5/5 Stars
Published by U.Nebraska Press
Published On 1 October 2020

Thank you to Netgalley, University of Nebraska Press, and of course, Suzanne Roberts, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Covid 19 has put my love of travel on hold and this book is one of the reasons I love travel writing as a genre - it is so immersive and necessary for the world we have lived in the past 18 months. I love to travel, and not being able to - I’ve turned to books to feed that hunger. I enjoyed this book beyond that for the laughing factor. There were a few moments where I just broke down laughing! I did find there to be a few poorly constructed parts in the essays, but for the most part this book is a positive for me. I recommend it if you miss traveling as much as I do.