A review by its_justine
Grave Reflection (Ghost Punch Book 1) by A. Lawrence


"I will ghost eyes you…Pew pew."

Grave Reflection is the newest Paranormal release from author A. Lawrence, and my first foray into their work – and I can't possibly express how much fun I've had with this book. It's not something I'd normally read, but the blurb promising ghost hunting misadventures and a portal into the strange and unknown immediately caught my attention, and I needed to fit this into my Halloween reads. As soon as I began the book, I was completely swept away on a thrilling and dramatic race to save the quaint midwestern town of Teton Falls (and quite possibly the world) from a mysterious, yet ambitious…thing (no spoilers). But underneath all the delicious layers of nail-biting action and snark lies a tale of acceptance and the unbreakable bonds of family and friendship. Lawrence presents a story that feels so real and relatable, but imbues it with the supernatural to take you beyond. It's a wonderful book, and I'm thrilled I was given the chance to give it a read.

I usually begin my reviews by diving deep into the characters and their development, but the tone and execution of the narrative is what made this book truly shine for me. While we're faced with weighty instances where lives hang in the balance, there's no shortage of snort-worthy snark and kooky ongoings to lighten the mood. The entirety of this book is all about balance; sure, we're terrorized by Naga-like monstrosities, but it's important to keep in mind our aversion to man buns and non-functional neon signage. This story is grave when it needs to be, but embraces a light airiness to make for a thoroughly entertaining and pleasant reading experience.

Ok, onto the characters! Lawrence crafts a diverse cast of highly relatable characters that beautifully represent all walks of life. The tale is led by Shay and Max, a pair of twenty-somethings that are in the process of figuring out the secrets of the universe – also known as the world of adulting. While the majority of the spotlight is on Shay and her heroics, I feel there would be no Shay without Max, and vice versa. There's a harmony that exists between the two, filled with banter and a deep-seated love anchored by mutual respect. Max's curiosity and need to prove there's more than meets the eye acts as a catalyst for the events that conspire, and they never leave Shay's side as she traverses the dangerous unknown. We all have that one friend that we'd be willing to do anything for, and Lawrence perfectly captures this with this duo.

There are a few other key players in this game, each so distinct personality wise, as well as ability wise. Jo, the owner of a metaphysical bookshop and local witch, Gideon, a ghost hunter on a path to find the truth, and Duncan “Donuts”, Shay's anime-loving couch potato brother and roommate. I'd be remiss to not mention Finnias Shay, but you'll have to learn about him yourself. While some play larger roles than others, they each add depth to the story, and make for some pretty incredible dynamics. I'm looking forward to spending more time with them all in future installments of Ghost Punch.

The environment this story takes place in is one of the most charming I've had the pleasure of being immersed in this year. Grave Reflection is set in small-town Teton Falls, where avenues are populated by old Victorian homes converted into quaint and cramped storefronts, labyrinthine tunnels hide beneath its surface, and the tendrils of gentrification are gingerly grasping at its heart. It's one of those towns that exudes comfort and kindness, but one that may hide many secrets in darkened shadows. There are tidbits of potential history, but nothing overwhelming to take away from the focus on a bonafide ghost hunt.

The action, oh the action. Dangerous encounters dripping with tension, gargantuan ghostly medleys, old mirrors housing more than just reflections, and streets awash in a haunting blue fog, there's never a dull moment in this book. Hold fast to those fleeting moments of quiet respite, because they never last long enough to catch your breath. I mean, what do you expect when the MC can literally punch ghosts out of existence? The constant threat of menace keeps the pages flying by at a rapid pace, easily allowing for a single-sitting read-through. For a novella of this size, it really packs a punch, no pun intended.

Grave Reflection was such a refreshing read for me, and one I blew through faster than I'd like to admit. The story ties up nicely, but definitely leaves the overarching narrative open for more, which I'll be first in line to read. I fell in love with the characters, the mystery had me guessing until the ultimate showdown, and I can't wait to discover other captivating secrets Teton Falls is hiding. If you're looking for a quick, entertaining read that barely lifts its foot off the gas pedal, then this may be the one you're looking for. I thoroughly recommend.

My Rating: 4.5*, but we'll round up!

Note: A huge thank you to the author for providing me with a complementary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.