A review by thelittlerusticreader
Cataract City by Craig Davidson


This book was fantastic. I was sent an uncorrected proof many months ago as part of a First Reads giveaway and just picked it up a few days ago. It tells the story of two boys on the brink of adolescence, their journey into adulthoood, in Cataract City. The author does not show the tourist side of the City, but draws the curtain on the shadowy, somewhat seedy existence that many who have ever lived in a blue collar town can relate to. His writing is gritty, even emotional, colourful, and descriptive. It was not a "I couldn't put it down" title... but the characters drew me in, flaws and all, or maybe because of their imperfections. It is not a "clean" read - if you prefer your reads to skip the swearing and some adult references, probably not for you. Lots of drama, low places, and a tumultuous camaraderie. Great read!