A review by justinbaumann71
Scout's Honor by Lily Anderson


I did not have a great time with this one. Its a great but simple concept: killer girl scouts fight inter-dimensional monsters and its a secret society. Amazing.

However, it is really not that fun bc we get bogged down by too many elements for a YA novel to really deal with in a standalone novel. Not only do we have a large cast of characters that have varying degrees of importance we have just way too many storylines. We have the whole secret society, the lore about the monsters, the non-sighted characters vs. the sighted ones, the ethics of indoctronating these really and truly children into this secret society where they can die, the mother/daughter relationship, the familial relationship, the main and secondary antogonist, then the actual training and day to day monotany of being a lady bird scout (but the non-fighting point).

What saved this novel from being a 2 for me was the mother daughter relationship and how the trauma/ptsd was handled in this book as well as a really great final fight scene and resolution. That whole section of the book was handled very well and improved my experience of the story significantly.