A review by a_little_person
Why? the Purpose of the Universe by Philip Goff

reflective medium-paced


The whole book is based on some  assumptions we have to make to follow his arguments and accept his thesis. On top of that it is human-centered; making claims about the universe and giving it "humaneness" by talking about purpose and other man made concepts, is clumsy. The book feels like trapping the reader in assumptions, creating arguments followed it, then giving easy target counter arguments which, instead of being really critical of this thesis, only serves to further his propos. (A quick search on the web will result in many valid counterarguments ignored by Goff).
Kinda strange for a book exploring the "why" of the universe, to dedicate a whole chapter to "is taxation theft". Is seems the author's agenda is too strickly interwoven in the text. 
Ultimately it was interesting to flirt with the idea of teleological cosmopsychism and the likes, even though they are not as factual as he seems to be sure of. Nevertheless, it is worth the thought, worth thinking about it's implications, and worth seeing the holes in materialism and how they might be filled.