A review by blodeuedd
Selkies are a Girl's Best Friend by Molly Harper


Have I read the previous 2? Nope
Where there a backstory that I missed? Yes
Did I feel left out? Nope!

It is not that hard to figure things out and just go with it.

Sonja works in a weird ass place. She gets a new coworker, a hot one. Sparks fly, after a while.

Her boss and best friend seems fun, I'd like to see how she met her dragon.

But yes the book is not that long so the drama is at a minimum, which I like. They fall in love and there is some danger that I really can't say anything about. Oh and some drama regarding his other form.

I enjoyed it and it did want me want to read more from this series.

Ronconi is great, I so want to listen to more things by her. She has this great soothing voice.

Davis did Will's parts and I have not listened to him before, but he did a good job narrating too.