A review by piratekitty
The Taster by V.S. Alexander


The story itself is compelling, and the characterizations of the bit players are well done. The middle of the plot feels unnecessarily lagging, while the important parts feel rushed. Overall, it's a good read, I understand the use of the first person narrative for the type of story. It certainly felt like Magda was talking to me as the reader, but unfortunately the downside to that is that it left some of the important characters feeling flat. Magda clearly changes from her experiences, but her voice is the narrator never really adapts to adequately show character growth.

This book left me feeling like I wanted to know more about the other characters. While I understand that would have been very difficult to do in a narrative story, it feels like a waste to have these great characters and never really explore their experience as well. Magda is simply not the most interesting character in this story and it almost feels like a robbery to be deprived of the other characters in service to her as the narrator.