A review by amysreading_nook
The Six by Luca Veste


First of a big thank you to Dark Room Tours, and Simon Schuster Publishers for sending me a copy of this book and allowing me a place on the blog tour!All reviews and opinions discussed here are my own.

This is a book that from the first pages, the tension never stopped. It is a real psychological thriller and I honestly had so many different theories going on whilst reading this book and not one of them turned out to be right. The author goes back and forth between the characters childhoods and current days; it really adds a good dynamic to the story and makes you question things even further. The book is told solely from the perspective of Matt, one of the 6 main characters, and the whole time i was reading it I never knew if we could trust his perspective or if he was an unreliable narrator. His perspective is so all over the place and that really represents his state of mind at the time but also his own foggy memory. It adds a layer to the book that makes it interesting because you just never know who you can trust. It does make things a bit confusing at times, such as the initial fight where the man dies, and I honestly couldn't get my head around what happened but I definitely think that's reflective of the fact that Matt can't really remember what happened himself and so it is intended to be confusing.

I would say that I didn't overly connect with any of the characters? Aside from Alexandra being Matt's ex-girlfriend and Nicola being Chris's partner we learn very little about them and the same goes for Michelle. The female characters were very limited in their development which did make it hard at times to fully care about their experiences. I do think the group dynamics were interesting and I honestly distrusted every character at one point.

I think this was well paced and it was a real page-turned; I couldn't put it down once i'd started and I couldn't wait to get to the end to find out what was happening. I enjoyed Veste's writing style and also appreciated all of the 90s references.

I do think the book would have benefited in fleshing out the characters a bit more and allowing us to invest in them, so that the later plot aspects had more of a punch. Overall I did enjoy it and it kept me guessing right up until the end; I think the last twist was well done and something I didn't see coming!