A review by kristid
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally


Miranda Kenneally, I LOVE YOU!!

Have you read Catching Jordan yet? If you haven’t you really should! It’s sort of a companion novel to Stealing Parker. Same setting and some familiar faces. It’s fun to see that when reading Stealing Parker, plus Catching Jordan is AWESOME. One of my favs!

If you think that these books are all about sports, you couldn’t be more wrong. I was apprehensive about that myself, but they play a very minor role. I think the sports are used more to create this bond between Miranda’s characters. I wasn’t a big athlete but I did participate in some sports and there is a kinship and deep friendship that you develop with your teammates.

Parker loves, er scratch that, loved playing softball. But for reasons you will find out in the novel, she quits playing. Cold turkey. With encouragement from her best friend, Drew, she ends up managing the boys baseball team. It seems like the perfect set-up, she gets to hang out with Drew and get a little bit of that “belonging to a team” feeling back. It’s here that she meets Brian, the new assistant coach. He’s older, gorgeous and Parker can’t help but flirt. Which leads to a secret relationship and as you can imagine all sorts of problems.

Parker’s character growth was probably my favorite thing about this novel. The girl does some really stupid stuff (who hasn’t!) but she learns from all of that in the end. The age difference between her and Brian didn’t bother me, but Brian definitely took advantage of the situation and Parker and THAT bothered me. In the end he shows his true colors and I have to say I wasn’t very surprised. I loved Parker’s relationship with Drew and with Corndog. Though they were very different! And I loved that there was some growth in Parker’s relationship with her mother.

I also thought that the religious aspect of the story was interesting. I don’t want to scare you, or possibly turn you off with that statement, this isn’t a religious book, it’s not preaching to you. But the town that Parker lives in is very religious and there are two very different churches in this book and I loved that Miranda did that. You’ll see what I mean and even if you are a church goer or not, I think you’ll appreciate what Miranda did too.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. Catching Jordan is still my favorite of the two, but I can’t wait to read what Miranda has in store for us next!