A review by silquesoleil
Nabari No Ou, Vol. 1 by Yuhki Kamatani


Aside from the fact that it's about modern day ninjas (heck yeah ninjas!), there is nothing so far that I find particularly thrilling or annoying, but it's supposed to get more interesting, so I keep reading.

Apparently it's a bit similar to Naruto and though I never really saw nor read that, I can point down some of the similarities.

So for anyone who is unsure wether or not to start with these series, I'll just leave the words of the person who recommended it to me here:

"It’s very different from every other manga I’ve read, possibly because it really has the potential to be bombastic, but manages to be very calm and introspective. Technically, it’s about ninjas, but it’s really a story about ultimate fuck ups and learning to forgive yourself. It breaks down a lot of notions of good and evil and the means used to achieve certain ends and really ties everything together with fantastic characters.

It’s also one of the more heart-breaking things I’ve ever read[...]."
- Manda, the Queen of Crack

VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: IF YOU KEEP READING THIS SERIES, YOU WILL CRY. A LOT! (Unless you don't lack a heart, that is.)