A review by lattelibrarian
I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark by Debbie Levy


I Dissent is a timely book both in subject matter, person matter, illustration-wise, and typography-wise.  And it's as much aesthetically pleasing as it is informational and accurate.  Incredibly. 

Levy and Baddeley tell Ginsburg's tale as she began her years as a Jewish youth who loved to read, and then as a young woman who went to college in a time where women didn't go to college, and then to serving on the supreme court.  It details her relationships with her supportive parents, husband, and coworkers, and argues that friendships can be retained even when disagreements spark.

Even outside of work, Ginsburg is an adventurous person, showing that boldness can happen in all facets of one's life.  Overall, Levy and Baddeley make the case for just how inspiring Ginsburg is, and do a fantastic job in teaching girls to use their voice.

Review cross-listed here!