A review by ederwin
Shadow Show: Stories In Celebration of Ray Bradbury by Harlan Ellison, Eddie Campbell, Dave Eggers, Sam Weller, Chris Evenhuis, Mort Castle, Alice Hoffman, Joe Hill, Neil Gaiman, Audrey Niffenegger


Graphic adaptations by various comics artists of stories written by various other authors in "celebration" of Ray Bradbury. Sometimes Bradbury is a character. Sometimes themes from Bradbury are evident. Sometimes, such as with the Harlan Ellison story, the connection is not obvious. (Ellison adds a "note" which tries, but mostly fails, to explain a connection. But that note is great. Typical Ellison going off on a rant!)

There are 3 great stories here, and a bunch of other OK ones. I'm not going to say which are which!

I didn't realize when I started this "comic" that it is based on the text anthology [b:Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury|13329252|Shadow Show All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury|Sam Weller|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347768800l/13329252._SY75_.jpg|18536664] by [a:Sam Weller|6296|Sam Weller|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1180957324p2/6296.jpg].