A review by tangochick6969
Bane by L.J. Shen


4.5 stars for Roman and his Snowflake, the sword, and the princess!

“Maybe love wasn’t about feeling happy and whole. Maybe love was about breaking so the person you cared for would feel a little more whole.” - Roman "Bane" Protsenko

This was such an emotional, yet perfectly humorous story. The way LJ dealt with the subject content (tw ie. rape), was done in a way that made us as the reader feel everything Jesse felt, from her pain, anger, and anguish.

The things Jesse went through are horrible, but the way she held on to herself and didn't allow anyone to break her spirit no matter how many times she got knocked down was badass. She is probably one of my fav LJ Shen female characters (after Daria and Jude), and the way her personality and wit shone through made the whole book for me.

Bane you gorgeous soul, yes he's a man-whore to the point where it really didn't even matter because this boy gave away his body for free because he didn't believe himself to be worthy of anyone's love due to the way he was born. Bane was funny, arrogant without being a douche, self-assured yet still had bouts of insecurity in himself the way he hid from the world by burying himself into work and women. He and Jesse were kindred spirits, so watching them naturally sizzle and fall together was magical!

I loved how Bane saw her first and fell first, it really cemented their relationship as the more time they spent together, the deal Bane made with Darren might as well have been non-existent, so the way Jesse forgave Bane made her an even better character.

The quote for the entire book is explained perfectly through Jesse's tattoo, the one that steals Bane's attention - “My whole life has been pledged to this meeting with you”

Ps- I thank LJ Shen for providing us with all the Baron Vicious crumbs, he's still a sexy bastard. <3