A review by bookstorian
One Day by David Nicholls




I was eager to watch the Netflix adaptation so I decided to take the opportunity to re read a book that I've always held up there. I'm not sure it was the smartest idea... 

➕️ I still love the concept of the book, the glimpse into a relationship once a year on the same day.
 ➕️ The exploration of a life, how some things change year to year and other things stay the same. How much of that change happens in your twenties. 

➖️Dexter. He was so much harder to read and empathise with this time around. Idk if I'm just a bit older and wiser this time around? 
 ➖️The chemistry is lost on me too, what do these two see in each other? 

Ultimately I think knowing how it was all going to end tarnished the re read experience. To top it off I'm not really enjoying the Netflix adaptation. The casting and pace isn't working. 

✍️ "Too much had happened to him, too little had happened to her." Pg59 

⭐ Star rating 3/5 

 🛍 This one has been on my shelf for at least 7 years. I think I got it from Big W back in the day before I decided to boycott them and support bookstores instead. 

Book 3 of 2016. 
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, such a simple yet unique structure which showed the snapshot of two people's lives on the 15th of July over the course of 20 years. This alone kept me motivated to read and see what happened each year. The novel highlighted for me how so much our lives can dramatically change from year to year yet also stay the same. Whether it be living arrangements, trends, friendship circles or bigger picture struggles like finding the perfect career or perfect guy. 

It actually makes me what to keep a diary just one day a year and be able to reflect back on it in the future. Facebook sort of does it already with the memories which I get a notification for every day and quiet often need to face palm due to the mild rants about being a uni student or pointless posts such as "perfect day with the boyfriend" #lame. There is also something more raw and true about the way in which this love story plays out. That life isn't always sunshine and roses and sometimes it takes you a while to find the person you truly love. Marriages and business ideas don't always work out as planned. Just like this book shows, life is quite often messy and sad, however these times, usually more often than most lead us to assess our situations and journey on to our future. 

Do yourself a favour and read it, even if it may not end the way you want it to ;)